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Hand of God... Wow...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:52 pm
by kareymogg
OK I'm a noob to i-Doser, I've taken like 4 other doses and they've worked to some extent on me (I haven't quite gripped it yet) but I just did Hand of God at my friends house...
Quite a suprise I must admit!
I knew from the start I wouldn't get the whole kick from it, seeing as I'm new to the program, but even the portion I felt from it shook my world!
I sat on a chair in this small cupboard by the computer, so it was quite small and pitch black.
At first, nothing was happening to me, but after about 5 minutes I felt this feeling... Like my soul was being ripped from my body!
After I started to feel scared.
Then the pitch got higher, and I felt even more scared and my breathing became harder and heavy.
Everything was upped again after the pitch raised once more, and I started wondering if I could cope with it.
I opened my eyes, my sight quite blurred, and everything was sort of shaded white and grey then I looked up and it was brighter.
I shut my eyes and sat there till the track ended...
Then I slowly left the cupboard...
Tomorow, I will do at the same time with my friend, but we'll both take Sleeping Angel first!
That way, we have a stronger chance of falling asleep and witnessing it to it's full potential.

Has anybody else felt like this while taking Hand of God?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:14 pm
by mitchell6957
I felt really paranoid and scared most of the time I was afriad to move a muscle and I second-thought everthing I did, but no visions. :(

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:11 pm
by kareymogg
mitchell6957 wrote:I felt really paranoid and scared most of the time I was afriad to move a muscle and I second-thought everthing I did, but no visions. :(
mmhm same here

but i wouldnt exactly describe what happened with me as visions, just more like incorrect sight

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:12 am
by V
Just did HoG!
2nd time, actually. But the 1st time I stopped at 10% because it just worked I thought.
Sadly there ain't no after-effects :-(
But the dose itself was soo good! At some time I was nailed to my chair en couldn't get to the state in I was sitting therefore. At the end I heard voices which reminded me to my grandmother (in heaven :wink: ) and I hugged some little human, but then.. 2 torches were circling around my head and I catched them, I had to fight against a little green thing (which was easy) and it was over.
O, and at one time I strangly enough began to play guitar or something because it lays next to me now and my pick on my notebook.

Maybe this HoG is some kind of advert for notebooks, because this all makes me wanna spend all my hardly saved money for a new guitar into a new notebook... Guess I have to resist, but I can't...

(I am a seasoned doser and smoker, and I compared this things with real life marijuana and I think this was almost as good :D )

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:09 pm
by winterbreaks
i did get the ripping effect(omg so cool, just let yourself go and itll be amazing i promise) but once i got to 5 minutes left i say god!!! so try to lay down and close ur eyes, and turn your headphones up until u cant here the outside world. and count down from one hundred, and then start to think of your favorite song(especially the beat), ur gonna start to feel sort of a pull at ur so called mind, but dont resist, cuz then youll have the most amazing experience in your life!!! (that is created by sound =) )