~Out of Body - Separation - Scared!~

When the mind leaves body
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~Out of Body - Separation - Scared!~

Post by Iyasu16 »

I have been practicing my trances, concentration, and spiritual awareness for some time now.
My current goal is to open my eyes in an out of body experience, and look around.
This is around my 6th attempt at full separation.
I was beginning to enter the state of separation.
I felt my second layer in a different position then my physical.
All the while, I am trying to concentrate with a motivation of going up.
This all drifts away when I begin to see the center of faces.
Only 2 of them were present.
One was a bit far off, just floating in the black void in my eyes.
The other one was close enough to make out the details of eyes, nose, and mouth.
Both of them were gaping their mouths at me, closing them, and then opening them again.
This scared the hell out of me, and it ended when I moved in shock.
I know there is a darker side of all this.
There is a darker side of everything.
I'm just not sure what to do at this point, what these undescribable faces were, and if it was just my mind, or some entity.
Truth be told, I am scared to even progress further.
I'm in search of any explanation and any guidance.

Thank you,
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Post by leo3891 »

Thats weird dude I dont know :/
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don't sweat it

Post by 3crows »

hey there-m yes those are "dwellers on the threshold". they are bizarre astral entities and they try to scare you from maneuvering about. Not sure why as I said in another post- but its not a question of evil vs. good. there's no god/satan thing happening. Its just positive and negative vibrations- or even good intentions vs. bad intentions. the only thing is I think the astral entities are more like empty shells of people who aren't quite sure why they are on the astral plane in the first place. They could be stuck.

On the astral plane, you tend to find people who have died suddenly, and are confused, or people who are stuck and can't move on. Personally, its a mess in my opinion. I'd rather go one step deeper onto the next level which is more closely aligned to "real time and space" but without your physical body. I think its called the mental or nirvanic plane. I've done it, and you don't see those entities with their gaping mouths. You see no entities, just crystal clarity of the room where your body is, and you can move about and see family members in other rooms, stuff that happens in real time.
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Post by Hayabusa »

Oh, the entity guys sound fun, gonna hit Out of Body and could you tell me, What's the difference from Astral Projection and Out of Body?
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Post by Circuit8 »

IDK if you are still checking the board, Iyasu, but hopefully I can share some stuff I've learned.

What you experienced is called hypnagogic imagery. It's basically random images that appear in your periphery, NOT your minds eye, when you are falling asleep. The goal in astral projection is to enter the trance state in which your body falls asleep but your mind does not, so this hypnagogic imagery happens all the time except you're not really conscious of it. If you really want to project, you have to push past this and try to ignore it. I see faces ALL THE TIME. It's scary as hell and 90% of the time it causes me to stop meditating.

I've heard some theories regarding spirits who are attracted to the energy you have when you are meditating and that might be what it is... Can't say for sure.

Dwellers on the threshold are a thoughtform. Do some research on OBEs, Astral projection, lucid dreaming etc. The dweller often just represents something that is a mental block of sorts... Something you are afraid of or don't want to remember, something necessary to tackle before you can grow spiritually. How you take care of it is up to you. I've read stories about some people who kick their ass or something, this is where whatever works for you comes in. It's therapeutic and you actually can alleviate some mental or psychological stress (and dare I say problems) by doing this.

Hope this helps.
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Post by Austin- »

You just made me imagine those things, two gaping heads moving about clock-wise in your head in the darkness.. yep i just blew one with a gun.
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Post by madcow »

i want an entity gun imagine that beezy and DO WORK!
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Post by idioteque90 »

I once had an experience like this while meditating. All of the sudden I saw a girl who looked almost exactly like me but with bloodshot eyes and an angry expression charge at my face and I've never seen or imagined anything like that ever, it shocked me back to full consciousness. It really bothered me...
Now I always take time to visualize a protective field of energy around me before I begin. No issues ever since.
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