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Please Help

Post by ned429 »

I'm not gonna lie. I'm a 15 year old kid looking for a cheap high. I don't want anything that you smoke because I don't want my parents to smell it. I want something easy to obtain and easy to use. Is nitrous the way to go? What about Inhalents?

Please Reply.Thanks!
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Re: Please Help

Post by cameraboirzu »

ned429 wrote:I'm not gonna lie. I'm a 15 year old kid looking for a cheap high. I don't want anything that you smoke because I don't want my parents to smell it. I want something easy to obtain and easy to use. Is nitrous the way to go? What about Inhalents?

Please Reply.Thanks!
First, stop for a minute and listen to yourself. You're 15 and you are willing to inhale Nitrous? It's also called "hippy-crack" because it can lead to heavy use, due to it lasting only 5 minutes, and its effects enjoyable. Too much use of Nitrous can cause vitamin defficiencies, and death in some people who deprive themselves of oxygen.

Theres nothing that you will find in your house that is easy to obtain, and easy to use, (at least that are safe) Nutmeg will leave you on the toilet or over the toilet, and you may need your stomach pumped like my friend did. Taking prescription meds is also a dumb idea unless you know your shit (and you obviously dont)

I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable telling you to smoke weed in the forest or something; you'd make people who smoke pot look bad.

I think solving your problem starts with why do you wan't to get high so bad? And then maybe you should think about things that are actually safe, unlike inhaling two lungs full of Nitrous oxide.
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Post by TheGanjaMaster777 »

Dude sniff your dad's paint. trust me you will not be disappointed. :D
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Post by 420master »

you fucking idiot, inhalants are the stupidest thing you can do, do you wanna end up brain dead???? Stuff a towel under your door and smoke weed or saliva and don't risk your life.
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Please Help

Post by DarrenKniblynen »

Awesome guys Thanks for the quick replies.

Another question I guess...Im assuming there is no internet access while there, correct? Just LAN hookups?

Most of my games are on Steam, and Ive never tried to play them without a internet connection, Im assuming this is not a problem?

Sorry for all the lame questions, just trying to be prepared. Thanks a lot
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Re: Please Help

Post by Thermalwolf »

ned429 wrote:I'm not gonna lie. I'm a 15 year old kid looking for a cheap high. I don't want anything that you smoke because I don't want my parents to smell it. I want something easy to obtain and easy to use. Is nitrous the way to go? What about Inhalents?

Please Reply.Thanks!
First, if you need to get high so baddly, don't. Ive seen this road 1000 times over. Young kids fiening for a high, next thing you know, their dropping pills and snorting coke like a mad man. The only safe high is weed, but I wouldn't recommend it because you'd end up liking it to much.

Just, go find a girl, get some pussy, it's all a 15 year old could ever want and need.
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Re: Please Help

Post by Cpt1Eye »

Thermalwolf wrote:
ned429 wrote:I'm not gonna lie. I'm a 15 year old kid looking for a cheap high. I don't want anything that you smoke because I don't want my parents to smell it. I want something easy to obtain and easy to use. Is nitrous the way to go? What about Inhalents?

Please Reply.Thanks!
First, if you need to get high so baddly, don't. Ive seen this road 1000 times over. Young kids fiening for a high, next thing you know, their dropping pills and snorting coke like a mad man. The only safe high is weed, but I wouldn't recommend it because you'd end up liking it to much.

Just, go find a girl, get some pussy, it's all a 15 year old could ever want and need.
Yeah, I'd heed this advice if I were 15 again.
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Re: Please Help

Post by Chill_Cucumber »

First off, you are 15... when I was that age I had the same dilemma.. let me tell you what happens...

Your parents catch you, you get grounded, you lose stuff, and then you get in with the wrong crowd.

Even if you are the Honor Roll student who thinks you know better and won't let it happen to you..those are the ones that fall harder than the rest.

1. Re-evalute yourself.. are you just trying to do it to be cool or hip or bored? If so, try I-Doser more.. I'm telling you... its worth the time spent to lay down for 30 minutes and be safe and not lose everything.

2. meditation - I've gotten highs from it where I've left my body.

3. BEST OPTION: get a girlfriend or go after girls. That's all I did until I was like 18 and then Actually started caring about relationships hahah

4. Smoke weed. its safe, its fun, and its cheap....don't do inhalants you will die...and don't do NOS you will not be able to put it down.

if you wanna do nos so bad... break your teeth and go to the dentist
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