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Yes, my name is numbers.

Post by 792218005 »

Hey, I-Doser community.

My name is Austin
I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Thats all anybody should care to know.

Today was the first time I got I-Doser to work for me. I had only tried twice before with minimal results.

Anyways, (I suppose this is actually a bit about me.) I'm diagnosed with a very minimal case of ADD and was taking adderall for a good 8 or 9 years and then decided that I felt much more pleasant without it. (I still have a full container from 2006)

I had been off it for around 2 years without a single issue related to it before I decided that perhaps popping a pill could help me concentrate on my Nitrous dose. It helped so much...

Anywho I'm really really relaxed right now and the nitrous was fantastic. So, thank you all for introducing me to I-Doser and to Adderall.

Oh, and I meant to ask, does anybody else who has ADD (any severity) use this same trick?

TL;DR: I have ADD, I-Doser wasn't working, took Adderall, made I-Doser work.
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Post by justinownz »

ya i have add as well... but i take wellbutrin and zoloft for it. i do take adderall, but just for recreation. ill try your trick on my next dose.
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