Gaming Enhancers

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Gaming Enhancers

Post by Blaz3d »

Hey guys, i know im new to the community but i still wanted to try out this
game enhancing dose today and let you guys know if i felt any different/played
any different.

Im a MLG (major league gamer) and i play in various tournaments/ladders/ and
seasonal playoffs for FPS(first person shooter) games. (mostly call of duty)

Im new to i-doser and have had very little luck feeling any effects even from the
strongest doses (GatesofHades,HandofGod, ect...)

*Since im a professional gamer, i have a pair of Tritton AX720' surround sound
dolby digital headset (140$ value), so i dont see the headphones im using as the
reason to why my doses dont work.

Im going to do my 15 minutes "Game Enhancement Shooter Dose" and then play
a few games and post back the results.

-------If anyone has any tips or hints as to how to make the very strong doses
work more effectively please give me tips/hints----

-Blaz3d :retard:
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by Blaz3d »

Ok guys so i did my 15 min gaming ehancement dose before a 4vs4 Team match
today on the playstation 3 (call of duty).

I did notice after i dosed and went to the game,i seemed to be slightly more alert
about my surroundings, also a slight increase in cautiousness. Overall i played good
in the match we won today but im not sure if the dose helped or if i just had a good
game :D

Anywyas, i will further experiement with this dose (maybe on a day im playing bad)
and let you guys know any further updates.

-Blaz3d :retard:
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by wfrodabaugh2010 »

I have to be honest I was stuck in a game for the longest time so I bought the game enhancers and gave it a go. Within seconds I found out where to go next, and within 2 hours I beat the rest of the game, it was wicked.
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by Whowantsfreepuppys »

I will have to try a few of theese
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by wfrodabaugh2010 »

Whowantsfreepuppys wrote:I will have to try a few of theese
Yeah man, definitely give it a go, I didn't notice too much of a difference with the music genre one, but I need to give that one more of a go.
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by JvvD »

when you listen to these doses do you play the game while listening or relax listen then play
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by Skinwings »

I am a 'Hardcore' gamer. Grinding Starcraft II whenever possible, alot of the time i'm playing 24/7. I have noticed though, that i do get distracted easily by small things in the game, the less important roles. I got the Strategy Game Enhancer and laid down, head phones on and relaxed and listened.

Once the dose was over i began to increase my speed within the game, i was extremely focused on what was necessary. I didn't lose concentration for a while after the dose, it was either me finally getting my head around what is important or the game enhancer really worked.

Second/Third (Dose) -

I tried the Strategy Game Enhancer a couple more times to see if it was really the cause of my more focused self. The second time i was partially stressed out and didn't really listen to the sound, the dose didn't work that time around. I tried it again today just to make sure, didn't want to throw away something that was actually working, laid down, relaxed and listened. And then it happened, i jumped on Starcraft II and i was ripping people up left right and center.

Overall i myself believe that it works, you just have to have the right mindset to go into the dose for it to actually effect you.
JvvD wrote:when you listen to these doses do you play the game while listening or relax listen then play
I would relax and listen to it, enjoy the sounds and just let it take you. It's great when you go into your game after doing the game enhancer and destroying people!
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by hopesdead »

I'm not into video games at all. I know that we shouldn't listen to one dose and then listen to another without letting the effects wear off or using Reset but I have a question. Would listening to a dose like French Roast, Speed or Energizer before or after a Game Enhancer be okay? I guess what I am asking is will the two doses work or are the two doses together a bad combination? The idea of playing games from like 8pm till 5am without sleeping (or any crash) with a game enhancer sounds cool.
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by lucidthoughts »

I would suggest using a focus dose before GameEnhancers like condition.
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by hopesdead »

Wow, I'm not a gamer to any degree. I casually play games every few months or so. The most you'll get out of me is some game made for the iOS every few days. I did the game enhancer for music and fighting and boy was it good. I was playing Rock Band: Reloaded and Ultimate Mortal Combat 3 for the iOS and I was blown away. I listened to the dose while playing, it was crazy. For Rock Band: Reloaded, I easily beat my high score for guitar on A-Punk by Vampire Weekend (that song is hard for me), beat my high score on bass for Adam's Song by Blink-182 and successfully was able to finish Peace Sells by Megadeath on guitar (with a medium difficulty) which is the toughest song for me (need to finish the song on guitar in the expert difficulty to move on in the World Tour). I was doing so much better than before. As for Ultimate Mortal Combat 3, I suck at that game. For the first time on novice I won four battles in a row in arcade mode (two battles in a row that were flawless, meaning I didn't lose a single round in ether battle). I'm loving the game enhancers.

It sounds a little cheesy but I own a copy of Lego Indiana Jones for Xbox 360 and the last time I pick that game up was like last month and I was stuck big time on Chapter 1 of The Lost Temple. I feel like giving the Adventure dose a try tonight and play Lego Indiana Jones.

One question: does it make a difference on your gameplay if you listen to the dose before playing or while playing?
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by hopesdead »

I know this might seem unfair but I think it would be cool if one of the Game Enhancers helped someone beat a Guinness World Record (most likely unofficially) such as the fastest speed run of Half-Life 2 in 1hr 36min 57secs or completing Metal Gear Solid in 1hr 55min 31secs, that is with one life and without saving the game. Maybe someone could beat the high score of 88,553 on Civilization III with the Strategy dose.
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by ElrkBeyoiudx »

Bahahaha, I only took you halfway seriously when you said Call of Duty, and even less when you said Playstation 3. Anyways, I'm looking into these, and I want to know if they are actually worth the money. I don't know if I have the time to put aside (15 minutes is still too much, my Day of Defeat matches pop up without notice) before gaming to listen to these if they aren't gonna do jack.
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by hopesdead »

The Game Enhancers are made for listening to before hand or while you are playing.
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by anhevi »

gaming enhancer shooter rocks... it makes you totally aware and at the same time agressive. playing doom is a lot cooler with it!
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Re: Gaming Enhancers

Post by meguy »

Blaz3d wrote:*Since im a professional gamer, i have a pair of Tritton AX720' surround sound
dolby digital headset (140$ value), so i dont see the headphones im using as the
reason to why my doses dont work.
One thing to consider is your headphones. I have HPA2 by turtle beach, and I've been having the same issue as you are, although I haven't even touched GOH or HOG. A poster here brought up to me a pretty good point about these surround sound headphones with multichannel heads.

What he had said to me was basically, since the binaural waves are using two channels to create a third, it's entirely possible that the multichannel headphones are actually creating more than two channels mucking up the results of the dose. Since reading what he said I tried a pair of Sony stereo earbuds that are 5hz-23khz and I actually started to notice real effects. Albeit I do have a problem keeping focus and I never get the full effects, but that'll come with practice.

My main point being, try a pair of 2 channel (stereo) headphones in place of your 8 channel (surround) headphones.
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