Need OBE advice

When the mind leaves body
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Need OBE advice

Post by Hakkersszz »

I'm having some small problems.
I can reach the state where i can "see" with my eyes closed.
"See" as in notice farmiliar shapes like the tv and other things that are in my room.

But now how do i go further?
I know im ready to OBE, but im just staying on the same place...
And any other helpfull advice from peopel who allready done it?

(Yes, i used the Idoser dose to help me with this)
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Post by deoxide »

dude, i know what you mean..
you have to use meditation tech's
like sit down in with you legt crossed.
take a "confy" meditation shape, if you dont know how, google it!
then try to let you body be one with the earth, so it can not float away ( so bv. imagine youve got roots at your legs and spine )
so your body is stuck to the ground.
now you can (if you want) absorp light energie from the ground (like boedist and stuff) and after that there may be a chance that if you let you "brain" go, you can get out of your body.
remember, there ar risks, that why you have to "earth" your body!!!!
the risks are you cant get back in to your body or something.
you can try it this sure there or much more to find on google.
ojah, en als het niet lukt......uhhhhh gewooon blijve proberen, of zoeken op google gast;P
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Post by deoxide »

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Post by Hakkersszz »

Wow, another Dutch dude :D
Thanks for the advice btw!

Maybe pm'ing in Dutch will be easyer :P
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Post by deoxide »

will do
in futur
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Post by Unnamed »

I just posted a link in the other thread here, deoxide, those risks you speak of are not real, just anxious thoughts brought on by the incredibly intense experienced that some people aren't ready for/don't understand.

When you leave your body(not as a brain or body but as a point of conciousness) you are still connected to it(this can represent itself as the famed silver cord). Nothing else can enter it and there is no way to not be able to get back. Hell any little thought or assosiation to that body will send you right back(I dunno how many obes I've ruined when new because of this, it's actually fairly annoying in a funny way).

The best way i've found to get out is to go up. Sinking down is neccissary to get into trance(which is necissary for projection) but I assume you've already gotten that far if you're able to see through close eyelids/imprint of the room in the non-seeing way of perception. Continueing to go down will only lead to unconciousness, or if by some chance you do manage to stay awake and get out, horrible control and "weakness", as well as the inability to maintain the state being so close to the dreaming state.

Most techniques for this involve putting yourself in a situation where you can accurately feel the process of rising while keeping you focused on it and working on it. I think the most popular is the rope technique, climbing up or across a rope, though I never had much luck with that and have used an elevator that I remember from a recurring dream as a child. You can try to visualize this, or go one step further and visualize the feeling.

This is very hard to explain but it works alot better then actual visualization, probably because it's so involved and you can still be disconnected(actually works with the disconnection). The astral dynamics site says it alot better then I ever could but its basically splitting your perception to another scene that will trigger(through the rising/pressure on the astral bodies)exit sensations/oobe. The least amount of focus on the actual physical body the better.
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Post by Couch »

good advice, unnamed. i will have to try those techniques
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