Gate of Hades

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Post by UltimaWarrior »

vimick wrote:
kr3wskater wrote:Was that you? I thought the kid got banned, i don't really remember. I just remember that there was this really long thread where some kid was like "I'm buying hand of god today even though im 13 LOLOLOL" and i just asked where a 13 yr old would get that money from and why he'd spend it on that, so he said some bullshit back and the admin came in and just said "We have no records of anyone ever buying HOG under the age of 19" or something like that, then the kid totally freaked out on me and the thread got locked and I thought he got banned.

And if it was, then damn man, your alot chiller now than you were then. But ya, I would never pay $200 for some sounds unless there was a 100% guarantee that they would get me wherever I needed to be every time with no long-term side effects. My quickhits are fine thank you very much.
*coughs* here's the thread >.> ... ght=#19346
I've put that behind me now. My friend was pirating them and, quite frankly, pirated ones SUCK. I take back any offence i have caused in the past.
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Post by kr3wskater »

Ya man, as I said you're mad chill now. So anyway...anyone try morning glory yet?
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Post by masterjedi343 »

there's another new one out? also i was just wondering if GoH has the same effect on everyone. hard time breathing, or well gasping of breaths and nightmares etc. but still haven't tried it yet.
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Post by Nate1123 »

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Post by jacco »

When I first discovered I-doser, I thought it was nonsense. My first few doses didn't had any effect on me (Trip qh, Opium, orgasm, LSD) So I thought it was fake, untill I tried Gate of Hades... When I started the track, my heart began to beat harder. I was very nervous. When te frequency whent higer, I freaked out. My breathing was VERY fast, i was sweating, i had a weird feeling in my hands and i felt like i was chased by a serial killer, great fear. My little brother pulled the headset off of my head because he was scared because i was breathing fast and loud. My first experience with Gate of Hades ends here...

2nd time when i tryed Gate of Hades...
It was today, an hour ago.
I knew what was coming.. but THIS?!
I've never had such an experience in my life.
My heart began to beat harder, faster just as the first time.
but when the frequency turned higher... i was not prepared.
suddently I felt like I weighed like a few tons! My belly wanted to fold inwards, all muscles in my body tightened. I felt like my legs where strapped onto the bed, my head was realy cold and sweaty. It was like I had cramp in every muscle in my body. I began to start screaming.. i couldn't do it anymore.. I threw my headset away. Afterwards i shaked for 10 minuten, and my hands were numb. This was realy an amazing experience, tonight i will try hand of god! (sorry if my english is not correct sometimes) GR jaccooooo
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Hand of God--a true oh my fucking god moment.

Post by obsche18 »

I tried Hand of God last night...and it was the worst/scariest night of my entire life. I turned out the lights, layed down in my bed, and started playing the dose. Started counting down from 500. 500...499...498...497...

The beat and white noise really calmed me down and relaxed me while i was in the 400's. I had just passed 400 when the loudest, scariest noise echoed into my ear. It was like i was asleep and then was just shot in the chest. This weird feeling just shot down my spine and into my legs. I was shivering and sweating. I immediately felt awake and alert. I threw my Zune accross the room at the wall and grabbed the lights. It was honestly the scariest thing that has ever happend to me. I can't get that noise out of my head or the feeling i got right after. I never finished the dose however. I looked at the player, about 3 minutes. I am never going to finish nor will i ever try hand of god again.

Dont do it.
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Post by Anpu »

dude GoH and HoG are not for begieners for that reason...
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Post by jstrasky »

I don't get how people will try other doses, and not feeling anything until their 7th dose or so. but then other beginners will try gates of hades or hand of god and be blown away Image
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Post by obsche18 »

Ha. Yeah your right. But I have been dosing for only about 2 weeks and I feel pretty much every dose that I have tried except nitrous.
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Post by jstrasky »

wuts yer sekret
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Re: Gate of Hades

Post by pingviiniq »

Gates of hades was my 3rd dose. Ever tried. Oh well, I may have been stupid but ya, I tried it.

When high pitch sound came (20:00?), I just really threw my headphones off in panic. Sound was very relaxing before it and sound felt like hit in the chest, just worse by mentally.

I will try gates of hades.. some other time.
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Re: Gate of Hades

Post by aleo33 »

okay, i just made this account because i just tried gates of hades and i need to share this experience. this is actually my first day dosing. i tried some LSD, got bored of it in like a minute, then i used morphine for like 4 minutes while i was surfing the web and got a bit giggly, but i had a calculus exam in a little bit, so i used reset and took the test.

okay, i got home, and did a bit of research, and i saw all of these videos of people laying on the ground with blankets on their heads, and they all freaked out. it was, of course, gate of hades. i read the description, read the warnings, and then laughed, thinking it was nonsense. i decided i was going to listen to the whole thing, the right way, to give this i-doser a real chance. if i didn't feel anything, it was BS; if i did, i figured i could call it the placebo effect.

i plug in, and turn it almost all the way up. i take off my shirt and put it across my eyes, and put on my headphones and let myself be soothed by the slow, low pulses. for the longest time, it kind of felt like i was getting a weak massage on my temples. i thought this was going to be it, and then it changed.

It sounded like i was in a jet taking off. it FELT like i was in a jet, taking off. my head was pressed into my pillow, and i realized that if i wanted to take off my headphones, i wouldn't be able to. i couldn't move. my back arched without my control, and then i began to laugh hysterically. i started to cry a bit, but it was the one of the greatest moments of my life. i couldn't stop smiling and thinking "IT WORKS!! ITS ALIVE!!"

the pitch kept rising, and then my euphoria, (and it was absolute and utter euphoria) began to subside. for the next several minutes, i just lay their, reflecting, while a steady whine pulsed into my ears. i couldn't understand why people hated it. i loved it. it was an absolute religious experience (and i'm a freakin' atheist! it's just that amazing)...

then it rose again. i braced myself for the euphoria, and it never came. my back arched again, but this time i started to shake uncontrollably. i'm quite certain i had a petit mal seizure. or however you spell it. i got myself under control and held my hands up to the headphones, ready to throw them at the wall, but i stopped myself. i told myself "it's sound, it's not a real drug. you are not overdosing. you are hearing a sound. all of these feelings are just your own thoughts. the sound is making your brain do this to yourself. you are not in danger." i just froze and told myself to push through it. it was painful. i felt like my face was being crushed. i felt tremendous pressure on my sinuses, and thought i would have a nosebleed. i told myself that the sound couldn't get much higher, and if it did, i wouldn't be able to hear it anyway. then it leveled out, and everything went dark blue. that's the only way to describe it.

i started breathing again. i realized i felt like i was floating. this is going to sound really stupid, and i know it, but during this interval, i felt like a magnetized needle, floating in water. i felt like i was being gently coaxed into different direction. the sound was strange. it was like being in a space station that had just blown a leak. all i heard was rushing air and my ears felt strange like in an airplane.

then, everything went crazy. it started to, i don't know, fade? or something? it's hard to describe in words, but it was just this... chaos. that' it. i heard mechanical beeps like warnings. that feeling (hallucination) that i was in a space station returned. but now it was crashing down. i was coming back to earth and i was going way to fast. i knew that something was going to happen soon, and i thought it would likely be an aneurysm. it hurt. then it started to fade out. it became quiet, and i saw the earth, with a black background, shrinking into a dot, and then nothing. silence.

i loved it. i loved the good and the bad. everything about this is perfect. this is art. it's a journey, an Odyssey through your own mind. this is... like... life, man. it's LIFE, in half a goddamn hour.
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