Grass smokers what method?

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How do you smoke weed?

A bong
A bowl
A spliff
Total votes: 31

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Post by mikeadelic »

i usually extract just make up some bhang. all you do is buy about an owie of dope, and buy tequilla/vodka/etc. the highest proof you can, grind the buds, add em together and let it sit for like a week. go by the shot.

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Post by umbertocesaro »

i usually roll spliffs u got to take i slow burn ur weed slow and calm thats how you get good drags slowlyy
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Post by mitchell6957 »

Powerade Gravity bong FTW!!! :D
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Post by powerade »

Me and my friends make some crazy shit out stuff we have laying around. Recently we made "The Punisher" (we name all of our shit). Its a fishtank syphon with a socket at the end. The tube is 4 ft long and the plastic end is about 8 inches. It made a kid throw up after clearing it 3 times. Taking in a big hit tastes so bad though.
Looks like this

But I prefer bowls. I had a nice double blown spoon for 6 months before it broke.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

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Post by Whom »

Due to living situation I use a bowl, It's easy to be discrete with. When I'm able to have a choice or am somewhere else I use bongs, spliffs are good for company.
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Post by oja666 »

gooble wrote:wheres the vaporizing option? its clearly the most effective (provides the best high off the least amount) and it tastes better than anything else.

i voted bong just because its the second best.
Lol you goon who wastes money on a vaporizer where you can't even feel the hit. Fire it up like a man!

I'll smoke whatever i'm in the mood for, bong, joints, blunts. Can't beat a bong with a good perc though.
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Post by N1-Mass_Murderer »

if im broke, i make a bong out bottles i have laying around or out of other random shit
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