Hey guys this is my first time posting an experience or review on this forum so here it goes. So i heard about i doser a while ago and thought it sounded interesting. I have tried a variety of dosed. A couple didn't work and some had small effects. out of those Adderall worked the bast but anyways, my experience with LSD QH topped them all. So me and my friends at lunch have been doing i-doser on my ipod. The effects and success rate is fairly good for doing in sitting up with your head down in the cafeteria (there is a small extension that's secluded from the rest and quieter). Today i thought oh what the heck and tried LSD QH. I didn't think the effects would be strong because the quick hits don't always work for me. This one Did!
I put on the headphones and started to listen. I wasn't nervous because somehow the thought of people being there comforted me. I started counting down from 500 like i have seen people do on here before and eventually sometime into the dose lost track and found myself counting up in the 30s somewhere. During this time i had vibrant closed eye visuals as usual. I'm not sure if anyone else has this but for most doses i have mild closed eye visuals even if int not a hallucinogen. But then the pitch started going up, this is when it got interesting. So i felt a surge of energy come to me this felt very cool. Then i took them out...i couldn't understand anything anyone was saying, everything was distorted and tinny, i started to freak out but then i caught myself and my friends calmed me down. I only remember that i had tons of energy,I thought one of my friends fingers was hilarious for some reason,one of my friends punched me for some reason i didn't care about at the time. i remember i was talking to my friends nonstop and almost couldn't control it, I was talking fast and had that weird feeling of listening to yourself talk, its hard to explain. but I'm DEFINITELY doing the full LSD dose sometime soon! Has anyone had a similar experience? Most of the ones i see on here people describe a trance-like state but i had more energetic results. I'm completely open to suggestions on more experiences just tell me what i should try and ill try to get to it Thanks!